Skelbimo galiojimas jau pasibaigęs.


Darbo aprašymas

Find necessary leads with the targeted providers / partners (often in French) within payment industry, connect, introduce the business and arrange calls / meetings.
Support various company units where French language skills required:
Across the whole business: act as a translator during the meetings/calls with potential new partner/providers.
Research unit: observe and analyse payment landscape and assist with research.
Sales: generate leads, reach out, arrange calls with potential partners and support during further communication.
Banking relations unit: assist during the calls with banks, help when filling in the provided forms, support by clarifying the dashboards.
Expansion unit: search, approach and arrange calls with business consultancy and legal companies in new countries.
Legal unit: assist with reviewal of French contracts / agreements, ensure correct wording, etc.
Liaise with the selected providers to gather information on their services, capabilities, pricing, terms of engagement and provide the full report to the leading unit.
Act as a Translator (Verbal and Written) French English during arranged calls.


Some experience as a business analyst or similar is advantageous.
Possess solid analytical skills with the ability to collect, organize, analyse, and present different information with attention to detail and accuracy.
Business acumen and eagerness to learn.
High analytical and conceptual thinking skills.
Effective documentation skills.
Fundamental analysis and conceptual thinking skills.
Good planning, organisational, and time management skills.
Advanced English and French language skills.
Understanding of payment industry would be advantageous.

Įmonė siūlo

International team and global mindset (founders from Germany & Austria).
Learning from business leaders, who have successfully founded and ran Fintech companies that reached Unicorn status.
Dynamic work environment and personal development plans.
Ability to significantly contribute to meaningful projects in uncharted area of Fintech.
Working alongside curious, supportive and open-minded professionals.
Reassuring colleagues who have a desire to learn, share and innovate.
Flexible working hours from our modern office in Vilnius or partially remote.
Team building and motivational events, including conferences, shows, tastings, etc.
Private health insurance.
Competitive remuneration package.

Darbo sritis:
Darbo vieta:
nuo 2600 iki 3000 €/mėn. (Neatskaičius mokesčių)

Talent Lab, UAB

Mes – Talent Lab – tikime, kad kiekvienas žmogus gali dirbti ne tik tai, ką moka, tačiau ir tai, ką iš tiesų mėgsta ir myli. Naudodamiesi savo žiniomis ir didžiule patirtimi, padedame talentams ir darbdaviams atrasti vieniems kitus tam, kad kurtų iš tiesų nuostabius dalykus. Visada ieškodami išskirtinių talentų, veikiame greitai ir efektyviai, siekdami savo klientams suteikti tai ko jie ir tikisi. Dirbdami naudojame profesionalius darbuotojų paieškos ir atrankos įrankius bei specializuotas duomenų bazes tam, kad kandidatai būtų greitai surandami, o mūsų klientai aptarnaujami per trumpiausiai įmanomą laiką. Mūsų klientai yra rinkos lyderiai IT, infrastruktūros, bankininkystės, elektroninės komercijos, gamybos, telekomunikacijų ir kitose srityse. Turime reiklius klientus, kurie visada ragina mus pasitempti. Už tai Jums esame dėkingi.

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