Skelbimo galiojimas jau pasibaigęs.

e-Commerce Product Owner

Darbo aprašymas

Develop and maintain the eCommerce roadmap, aligning with customer preferences, business objectives, and market dynamics.
Establish and execute eCommerce channels for Private Label products.
Foster collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders, diving deep into requirements, and embracing an agile mindset to manage changes effectively.
Proactively identify and mitigate potential risks to streamline operations.
Lead cross-functional teams to enhance the user journey, continuously refining and optimizing conversion rates.
Excel in overcoming challenges to consistently deliver results.
Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and meeting contract requirements for managing vendor and partner relationships.


Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience in the IT field.
A proven track record of successfully implementing eCommerce or software development projects.
Strong sense of ownership.
Solid understanding of both Agile and traditional project management principles and practices.
Great verbal and written communication and time management skills.
Fluency in Lithuanian and English (spoken and written) skills.

Įmonė siūlo

The possibility of hybrid work.
Day off on birthday month.
Cozy office with snacks and coffee waiting for you daily.
Learning opportunities and professional growth in the international market-leading company.
Supportive environment to grow your career.
Experienced, self-motivated, self-aware, and self-improving colleagues.
Opportunity to implement creative ideas.

Darbo sritis:
Darbo vieta:
nuo 4200 €/mėn. (Neatskaičius mokesčių)

Venipak Lietuva, UAB

Venipak įmonių grupė Jau 15 metų VENIPAK sėkmingai auga ir plečiasi. Esame ne tik tarptautinė greitųjų siuntų tarnyba, bet ir sparčiausiai Baltijos šalyse auganti kompanija. Mūsų paslaugų kokybe pasitiki daugiau kaip 6.000 verslo klientų. Sukūrėme virš 800 darbo vietų, siuntas rūšiuojame 21 terminale. Kasdien keli šimtai VENIPAK kurjerių išvežioja daugiau kaip 45.000 siuntų. Tad iššūkių čia netrūksta. Lygiai taip pat, kaip ir galimybių pasireikšti. Jeigu esate ambicingas, norintis augti ir tobulėti, kviečiame prisijungti prie mūsų komandos.

Mūsų tinklalapis:

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