Skelbimo galiojimas jau pasibaigęs.

Performance Creative Manager

Darbo aprašymas

Lead the complete ad creation journey, customizing content for diverse platform audiences.
Manage and empower partners, nurturing creativity and ingenuity.
Harness analytics tools to translate data insights into impactful creative strategies.
Ensure the delivery of top-performing creative content for Google, Meta, TikTok, YouTube, and other traffic sources.
Guarantee that content creators, designers, and video editors produce ad assets that align seamlessly with strategic objectives.
Continuously assess ad performance, refining strategies based on empirical data to optimize campaign efficacy.
Facilitate brainstorming and creative sessions, fostering a culture of innovation and open dialogue.
Cultivate pioneering ad concepts that challenge conventional advertising norms.


A Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing or equivalent experience.
At least 2 years of experience in a managerial role within creative strategy or a related field.
Proven experience in delivering worldwide content for eCommerce, ensuring quality, high performance and consistency.
A strong sense of ownership and accountability.
A solid grasp of marketing, branding, and design principles.
A thorough understanding of both Agile and traditional project management principles and practices.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as strong time management abilities.
Fluency in both Lithuanian and English (spoken and written).

Įmonė siūlo

Hybrid work options to balance your professional and personal life.
A special day off during your birthday month to celebrate.
A cozy office stocked with daily snacks and coffee.
Opportunities for learning and professional growth in a leading international company.
Collaborate with experienced, self-motivated, and continually improving colleagues.
Opportunity to implement creative ideas from scratch and engage in a lot of experimentation.

Darbo sritis:
Darbo vieta:
nuo 3800 €/mėn. (Neatskaičius mokesčių)

Venipak Lietuva, UAB

Venipak įmonių grupė Jau 15 metų VENIPAK sėkmingai auga ir plečiasi. Esame ne tik tarptautinė greitųjų siuntų tarnyba, bet ir sparčiausiai Baltijos šalyse auganti kompanija. Mūsų paslaugų kokybe pasitiki daugiau kaip 6.000 verslo klientų. Sukūrėme virš 800 darbo vietų, siuntas rūšiuojame 21 terminale. Kasdien keli šimtai VENIPAK kurjerių išvežioja daugiau kaip 45.000 siuntų. Tad iššūkių čia netrūksta. Lygiai taip pat, kaip ir galimybių pasireikšti. Jeigu esate ambicingas, norintis augti ir tobulėti, kviečiame prisijungti prie mūsų komandos.

Mūsų tinklalapis:

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